Considerable success can be achieved in collaboration.
Approaches such as PairProgramming has shown that two resources concentrated on one effort can produce efficiencies and time saving. This approach could be applied to larger efforts. Teams could be formed with the focus of concentrating on the accomplishment of a singular goal.
There are models of competition where the teams work together in random fashion to seek one goal and there is one winner:
- Team sports (Baseball, Football, Basketball, Soccer, and Hockey)
- There are models of competition where the teams work sequentially to seek one goal and there is one winner: In track - Relays
Programming teams could be utilized to focus on goal achievement by functioning in pairs assigned the same goal. While working on it, each team could keep the other informed about progress and successes. This feedback can serve to enhance each teams effort. At some point in time when a team can be identified as employing the most successful approach, consideration should be made to combine the teams into one team using the successful approach.
Consider the following
All wiki posts should be made using PairWritingTeams. We will have fewer spelling and grammar errors as well as better writing. Decisions to merge, delete, refactor, etc should also be more accurate. And all writing will be verified so we can assume it is fact.