Oxymoron Client

last modified: February 25, 2009

Perhaps the right name for RichInternetApplication? RichInternetApplication do too much to be ThinClients, but are too limited to be FatClients, so they like the JackOlantern of applications: JackOlantern life had been too sinful for Jack to go to heaven; however, the Devil had promised not to take his soul, and so he was barred from both hell and heaven.

"Oxymoron" is the wrong word for this. Perhaps "GoldilocksClient". In either case, in a RichInternetApplication, the browser is the ThinClient, and is a client to the server providing the RichInternetApplication. Of course, the RichInternetApplication is free to pump some protein... err... code over to the browser as a volatile thickening agent. HtmlDomJsCss isn't too fat or too thin. It's just right.

See NewInformationThinClientLimitation for context
