The WikiConsortium wants to develop a WikiPortal, and of course it wants to go XP. So, XP boffins, here's the biggest ExtremeProgrammingChallenge of your lives: how can we use XP to do this when the only collaborative space we share is a public CVS server and wiki itself?
I'd like to think I'm in a positive frame of mind today. The notion of a fully-distributed XP project with no customer is pressing my limits, however. In Chapter 25 Verse 16, Beck says: "What doesn't work for sure? If you have programmers on two floors, forget it." OTOH, some folks at the OOPSLA XP workshop reported fair success with remote pair programming. It sounds like so far you guys aren't even thinking of doing that much pairing.
The core practices:
- PlanningGame - lack of a customer seems an issue.
- Small releases - should be no problem.
- Metaphor - even Beck isn't sure what this is.
- Simple Design - you're up to this one. Yagni will be a big issue, more of a PlanningGame problem perhaps.
- Testing - should be no problem.
- Refactoring - should be no problem.
- PairProgramming - seems doubtful.
- CollectiveCodeOwnership - a given.
- ContinuousIntegration - difficult but not impossible?
- FortyHourWeek - this is a labor of love.
- OnsiteCustomer - lack of a customer seems an issue.
- CodingStandards - possible difficulty, depending how open.
I'm getting more positive. It should be an interesting experiment.
What is the progress, if any in this challenge? -- 20041029