Oop Team Size

last modified: January 14, 2009

Re: OOP seems to support a larger team of developers at one time as it (the application/system being developed) can be partitioned into distinct parts/modules/etc. easier. (from WhyOopIsBetter)

I've been hearing this claim more often lately. This suggests that procedural/relational projects cannot be partitioned into parts, which is flat false. In fact, I believe p/r partitions better because you don't have to deal with a BigSoupOfClasses. A good p/r system is like villages that live off of the Nile, where each village is a small application or task, and the Nile is the database. One mostly only has to know the schema(s) to contribute to the larger "system". In practice, there are some shared utilities, frameworks, or "helpers" (HelpersInsteadOfWrappers). These can be useful for common tasks, but are not necessary. In fact, the nile approach makes it easier to split a system into multiple languages. The database is the interface to the system, so anything that can query the database can be part of it. OOP might be better at building big apps, but p/r is better at avoiding big apps to begin with.

-- top

Top, your argument is interesting because I would use it to support my statement. With OOP, messaging becomes paramount and the villages only need to worry about the messages being sent and received. The BigSoupOfClasses is only big for the architect; the developers only deal with the ones in their village. [ScottNeumann]

Self-Referencing, Lookup Table -

I brought up this only as example to support that sometimes having something interpret the data is good. It was a schema I inherited (<-- emphasis added). And, it was a confusing schema as, in some ways, the metadata was embedded into the data; the schema itself didn't impart any knowledge of the 'business' entities stored within it. See SelfReferencingLookupTable for further discussion on the actual table.

By creating the facade/wrapper class, the other developers were able to move forward with the other parts of the application as they could stub out the functionality of what I was developing. The 'complexities' of the schema were removed from consideration; they were able to focus on business logic and presentation. It worked well for us. [sn]

Without knowing what the schema is for, it is hard to comment on the value of its design or how to fix or wrap it (with OO and/or procedural). If you really need an interface or wrapper to help other developers, a procedural function wrapper could work just as well as an OO one (or perhaps views or stored-procedures). See HelpersInsteadOfWrappers. I've never claimed that direct SQL/queries is always the best way to go. -- top

See Also: SystemSizeMetrics


CategoryScaling, CategoryObjectOrientation
