Oompi String Example

last modified: January 22, 2006

The Object Oriented Message Passing Interface (OOMPI) does not have a means of directly transmitting strings between processes. This problem can be solved by building a class which can encapsulate the two steps needed for transmitting a string. Those steps are

The wrapping class then handles at each end the conversion from and to a string object which is inside the class. It is easy to extend this so that the user can directly send and receive string objects. -- JohnFletcher

See also ObjectOrientedMessagePassingInterface MessagePassingInterface ParallelProgrammingModel

Example program which shows use of the class OOMPI_string

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "oompi.h"
using namespace std;
// ===============================================================================
// OOMPI_string definition
// ===============================================================================
class OOMPI_string {
 OOMPI_string() : num(0) { },
 OOMPI_string(const string &ss) : s(ss) { num = s.length() + 1; },
 void Send(OOMPI_Port &to);
 void Recv(OOMPI_Port &from);
 // Set send true for the process which is sending.
 void Bcast(OOMPI_Port &from,bool send=false);
 void Gather(OOMPI_Port &to);
 vector<string> Gather(OOMPI_Port &to,int size,
           int *string_sizes,int *string_displ);
 void Scatter(OOMPI_Port &from);
 void Scatter(OOMPI_Port &from,const vector<string> &v,
           int size,int *string_sizes,int *string_displ);
 void Set(const string &ss) { s = ss; num = s.length() + 1; },
 string Get() const { return s; },
 int Size() const { return num; },
 friend OOMPI_Port& operator << (OOMPI_Port& p,const OOMPI_string &s);
 friend OOMPI_Port& operator >> (OOMPI_Port& p,const OOMPI_string &s);
 string s;
 int num;
// ===============================================================================
// OOMPI_string implementation 
// ===============================================================================
// Implementation not included for reasons of space,
// except for these overloads which hide the OOMPI_string in the user code  
// and allow strings to be used directly.
OOMPI_Port& operator << (OOMPI_Port& p,const string &s)
 OOMPI_string os(s);
 return p;

OOMPI_Port& operator >> (OOMPI_Port& p,string &s)
 OOMPI_string os;
 s = os.Get();
 return p;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 OOMPI_COMM_WORLD.Init(argc, argv);
 int rank = OOMPI_COMM_WORLD.Rank();
 int size = OOMPI_COMM_WORLD.Size();
 string hello("Hello");
 if (rank == 0) {
     int where;
     for (where = 1; where < size; where++) {
        string how;
        OOMPI_Port source = OOMPI_COMM_WORLD[where];
        source >> how;
        cout << rank << " has " << how << " from " << where << endl;
 }, else {
     ostringstream out;
     out << rank << " says " << hello << endl; 
     to << out.str();
 return 0;

