Ooda Loop

last modified: July 19, 2008

Describe Ooda Loop here. The OODA loop is a movement of energy. Actually it is how all movement of energy "moves". Observation is the beginning because it represents a potential. Maybe what it could be thought of as the reality of what you observe. Of course reality is just a mass hallucination, as Howard Bloom says in his book "Global Brain". This hallucination creates a potential, a potential of movement, movement being the displacement aspect of potential energy. So the OODA loop is the expression of the movement of energy. Energy orients itself to what it Observes. It Isolates itself to the best possible position in that movement. In other words, all movement of energy follows the path of least resistance. Resistance being the relationship between the orientations of "things" in the same Observations. Friction develops between all relationship and that friction is controled by a force perpendicular to all the orientations of the same observation. More...? Ha!
