Website :
Link : or
(OrphanPage, all BrokenLinks 2004-Apr-21)
Comments: This is my thesis. It is non commercial so register and use the site
This is a service based architecture. Services implemented are User Info Page, Online courses, Group Projects, E-Forums,E-library, E-Contacts, E-Bookmarks. Other services that may be added in future. E-Auctions, Chat, News Channel.
Each service is implemented using SessionBeanWrapsEntityBeans pattern. Jsp files access these services using AccessBean. The look and feel of the jsp is controlled by CSS which can be set using Configurationfile.[1] Configuration file can also be used to select the services need for the application. This means that I can build a new application just by adjusting the configuration file.
Register and use the site may not be up since I am using my university's PC. The entire look and feel of the site can be changed. But right now, all users will have the same look and feel. I will add the ability for the users to change the look and feel in few days ..just few more EntityBeans. Drop your comments and suggestions at
-- SeshKumar
I have received an email asking to put the list of users registered in the system with their emails. -coming soon
Updated and it is up Now each user can change the look and feel of his pages. A very cool color picking tool is provided for the user. Now you can change the background image,link colors,hovering effects, title bar and side bar colors , fonts and many more.
Update.. a service configurator and a channel service Service configurator alows the user to select and edit the services he or she wants. He can change his mind at any time and select new services. Channel service is a unique way of interacting and keeping in touch with other people. Create your own personal channel publish news on that channel and all the users who are subscribed to your channel will be able to read your news. For example if you are going out on a long journey out of the country ... post your latest news and your experiences on your own channel (say Trip). You can also subscribe to other users' channels ... see who got the most popular channel.
Update.. On line tips for every page A tips ticker is added as a new service. This is a context-sensitive helper. That means depending on the page you are in the tips will change.
Coming up I am preparing a full sheet showing the time taken for me to do this project. And the tools and applications used. With a detailed descriptions of the problems encountered. -- SeshKumar
Its all there All the things I promised including the worksheet and tools etc. -- SeshKumar
Guest login's will be disabled (concurrency problem and data locking with JdataSotre).