One Minute Adding

last modified: May 4, 2003


Adding New Pages: (Use either method below.)

  1. Click the question mark that follows an unlinked WikiWord. (You may want to create such a link first, by adding a new WikiWord to an existing page.)
  2. In your browser's URL field, replace the text following the question mark with edit=<page name> and hit Enter (or do whatever you do to go to a URL). Either of these methods will bring up an editing page with the text "Describe <page name> here". Edit this as desired and save it.


The second method is not necessary for a one-minute style tutorial. DanglingLink has a good explanation, which could be helpful here.

See also: OneMinuteAdvice, OneMinuteAint, OneMinuteCommunity, OneMinuteDeleting, OneMinuteEditing, OneMinuteNavigation, OneMinuteReading, OneMinuteSecurity, OneMinuteWiki
