Ogham Wiki

last modified: September 5, 2006

homepage : http://ogham.odonnell.nu/

Ogham is designed to be a wiki like cms for non technical users. The emphasis is on ease of use over features. Non technical users have difficulty with any markup language so I felt a WYSIWYG editor was essential.

Word users find wiki syntax and the automatic generation of links to be annoying so I have replaced this with a tree structure for navigation and easy linking within the site.

Ogham has currently only been tested on linux servers and with the MozillaFirefox 1.0 and KonquerorBrowser 3.3.2. Its highly unlikely that it will work bug free with any other browser, but I am working on support for InternetExplorer. In KHTML (Konqueror & SafariBrowser) based browsers WYSIWYG editing is not available as these browsers do not currently support it.

