This is a type of storage which may be used to record or archive information which need not be online for immediate recall. It can take several forms:
- a small (not much bigger than a deck of playing cards) high capacity UsbDrive (currently 201030508 costing 120 dollars for 2 terabytes)
- a high capacity (not much larger than a thumbnail) flash drive (currently 20130508 costing from 20 to 30 dollars for a 32 Gigabyte device). Although available, 64G and larger devices are presently not as cost effective as the 32G ones.
- DVDs containing several Gigabytes of information (handily stacked on spindles when completed indexed in a orderly fashion like a numeric order (100 per stack)
- Paper (the highest space occupier) (the longest lasting (when safely stored - can last hundreds of years)
- Laser etched upon stainless steel or Garnet - can last thousands of years.
- Uploading encrypted or unencrypted info to Archiving Repositories, who can then record and store safely, making info available when needed by owner (properly requested and securely authorized and transmitted)
- A combination of two or more of the above (PuttingStuffInTwoPlaces) or
- Stored in the BestForThePurpose device.