Making numbers as WardsWiki WikiWords - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.ZoiaIzIb (20141216)
First, associate letters with the numbers
First set
0 O o
1 I i
2 Z z
3 E e
4 A a
5 S s
6 B b
7 J j
8 X x
9 G g
Create some samples:
Examples - Date Year
1985 - IgXs
1999 - IgGg
2000 - ZoOo
2001 - ZoOi
2002 - ZoOz
.... - ....
2014 - ZoIa
Example - Date Year Month Day
20141216 - ZoiaIzIb
Example - Telephone Number
123 456 7890 - IzeAsbJxgo
NamelessConcept using this scheme
If you only come up with one such concept or less per day:
You can make Noun before the number anything
- IdeaZoiaIzIb
- RecentChangesZoiaIzIb
- RandomPagesZoiaIzIbOzOo (the Random pages at 2 am ChicagoTime)
Other, larger schemes could be used:
0 Zero
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
- 2000 - TwoZeroZeroZero
- ConceptTwoZeroOneFourOneTwoOneSix
CategoryDate CategoryTime CategoryOrganization