Non Co Located

last modified: January 12, 2002

Well... it's not CoLocated. Basically, any team of developers that work together but are separated either geographically, or by some other means.

Since ExtremeProgramming utilizes the PairProgramming concept, it seems to be used mostly with teams that are physically together. PairProgramming emphasizes working closely together, so pairs are generally CoLocated.

The question then is, can PairProgramming be done with pairs that are not physically together but still together by utilizing technology?

I did it over the phone, before the Internet. Got phone ear. Kind of fun. On the phone for half an hour not saying anything to the other person. Occasionally swearing. Then asking a question, ATD/ATA, ZModem the source, +++ATH. Repeat. I'd look at InternetRelayChat for modern versions, sans skin irritation. -- SunirShah

Modern approach should take advantage of NetMeeting, VirtualNetworkComputing, or other "shared desktop" technologies. Instant messenging technology is ubiquitous now as well, and may be easier to use than IRC (especially if you need to get non-techies involved). --KrisJohnson
