Nitin Verma

last modified: November 26, 2004

Working with Azul Systems, as Technical Leader.

When was Nitin Born (Instanced)?

4th Feb 1977

When did Nitin write his first code?

Some where in 1985 (in Basic)

What does Nitin love?

Working insane hours and spending time with his wife ;-)

Languages Nitin works with?

Java, C/C++ and Perl.

Most interesting project Nitin ever did?

A graphical Simulator and Controller for Control of motion of 5 Degree articulated Robotic Arm in C. (Final Year Major Project). Software uses matrix method to calculate the steps required for moving robotic arm for pick and place operations (point to point motion) and motion along a specific line. It simulates the motion of the robotic arm on Monitor in Graphical mode and sends control signals to robotic controller through serial port.


Meet Nitin's XP (WikiName: ExtremeProgramming) guru ChadFowler

