I dunno who created this for me - thanks. I'll now continue below -- Nick Bishop
I'm a C++ programmer with a wicked sense of humour who wants to get into Oracle development one day. I work for a company called Open Telecommunications (was Open Technology) in Sydney, Australia. JamesCrawford also works there.
I can be emailed at: mailto:nick4mony@bigfoot.com (changed January 2001)
I am an Ex-Kiwi (a New Zealander) who moved to Australia in December 1994.
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic)
- Seven years in Telecom New Zealand, mostly switching planning and design, Wellington NZ
- Bachelor of Information Technology for two years in Brisbane, Australia
- Three years C++ on unix development in two jobs in Sydney, Australia.
Thoughts on C++ development
- I call an 'int' an 'int' and a 'double' a 'double'. That means if it's a number use 'int', and if it's got a decimal point, use 'double'
- I'm impressed by the material in C++ Report
- I'm a proponent of Resource Management - not just for memory, but for all resources in a program - even opendir(3) & closedir(3)
- Garbage Collection is garbage - most garbage collectors only handle memory, leaving you to handle resources like thread locking and opendir(3) & closedir(3), and possibly making life harder in garbage collected languages that don't have destructors.
- Memory leak detection software is also garbage, for similar reasons. I would only spend time and money on this software if it was convenient, and only to check that my reference counting was working properly, and that no-one was subverting ref-counting somehow.
- I'm interested in a large scale version of lint++ - that will check for issues of significance in a large scale C++ project - such as levelisation at file & package level, component organisation, and other stuff from Lakos, Meyers, etc.
- I'm concerned about the flood of Job Unready Graduates. Please let the Universities know what employers really need: those who can read and write English, and those who can read and write good code, and those who will unit test.