The Design Patterns Study Group of New York City has been meeting weekly since August, 1995. Back then, there were no public patterns discussion groups. Our meetings are for both advanced and beginning students of patterns and pattern languages, and we always welcome new members. [1]
Our study group now consists of four sub-groups: the PL (Pattern Languages) Group, the GoF (Gang-of-Four) group, the 4G (4 Gangsters) group, and the newly added AP (Analysis Patterns) group.
- The AP group is, to the best of my knowledge, dormant.
- The 4G group is finishing up the GangOfFour DesignPatternsBook in September, 2000.
- The PL group is, to the best of my knowledge, dormant.
- The GOF group took a Summer 2000 hiatus and is trying to re-start in September-October 2000, discussing PatternOrientedSoftwareArchitectures.
-- RobertEikel
CategoryGroup CategoryPatternsGroup