My Operating System Will Beat Your Operating System

last modified: February 16, 2011

... is a WikiBadge that you can insert when you find HolyWars about OSes just too tedious.

Of course, rising to the bait reveals quite a bit about one's maturity ;-)

At least it is still marginally related to An InformalHistoryOfProgrammingIdeas.

Compare this with My Religion Will Beat Your Religion, also known as the HistoricalJesus rant.

See the Operating System Sucks-Rules-O-Meter (

AKA: "My Object can beat up your Object"...

Oh my god. You polymorphed a cliché. What have you done?!

Ha! My cliché can beat your cliché!

My cliché descendant can beat whatever descends from your cliché. Objectively, that is.

