My Java Students

last modified: January 6, 2003

I am going to be sending my "advanced java course" students (professional programmers learning Java at an extension course) to poke around wiki. Some of them asked me to grade their homeworks on style / design (in addition to "is the code correct"). And it occurred to me that exposing them to wiki is probably a lot better for them than getting my style comments on their homeworks.

That is, there's probably no better way for them to learn about the craft than by

  1. writing code and
  2. reading wiki.

But, given that they're a specific audience, it makes sense to give them their own annotated set of starting points. Which leads to the following list of annotated list of wiki pages, designed to give them a good feel for wiki.

-- WilliamGrosso

CommentingChallengeTwo has a nice progression that ends up with a very nice Java style example.

My most recommended page is CodeSmells.

In the process of grading homework assignments, I discovered myself repeatedly referring to the following pages

-- WilliamGrosso
