Muddy Decomposition

last modified: February 27, 1998

gestalt - a physical, psychological, or symbolic configuration or pattern so unified as a whole that its properties cannot be derived from its parts (The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Addition)

I've been playing with the following and would really appreciate some input. Please let me know if this is covered elsewhere.


Many real systems are difficult to decompose or reduce.


After producing an initial model for a system, numerous special cases or exceptions must be incorporated to fully describe the system.



<general case>
if this is a special case, perform a single atomic operation
<general case>

Resulting Context

The overall model for the system is visible and necessary special cases are handled discretely.

It is unfinished--WayneCarson

It is interesting and I look forward to trying it. I put in a request that you continue so that ResultingContextNamesProblems. If it only says "problem solved", you don't need a section for it. On the other hand, if you say the next problems a person might encounter, you will do the reader a favor. -- AlistairCockburn

ResultingContextNamesProblems sounds good, but I'm not ready for this yet. I'm not even such I've (clearly) applied the solution yet. More it's a recognition of a family of problems I'm struggling with and brainstorming on solutions. --WayneCarson

One common result is that by factoring out the special cases neatly, you can find the commonality in them. Part of the value of SpikeSolution, to which this seems to me to relate, is in illuminating what isn't done. --RonJeffries

Could you expand on this finding of commonality? --WayneCarson

see perhaps also ForcesFromFailedSolutions. --AlistairCockburn
