Mr Bunny

last modified: February 21, 2006

Protagonist, along with FarmerJake, of MrBunnysGuideToActivex and MrBunnysBigCupoJava. Don't read this on a plane. You will be in danger of being carted off at the other end in a nice new white suit.

Meant as satire, these books inadvertently teach you a lot about a small portion of their subjects.

"Then C++ came along with virtual functions", continued Mr. Bunny. "A virtual function does not really exist, so there is much less code to write. This is the single biggest reason for the popularity of C++."

A Java compiler compiles Java code into errors and warning messages, and in the process produces class files containing bytecode.

The last book on Java you will ever need to read.

Java is a high-performance language. By high-performance, we mean adequate. By adequate, we mean slow.

Deeply amusing stuff...

An easy way to tell if someone is too up-tight about computers. Truly enlightening.

See also MrBunnysInternetStartupGame, CuteBooks
