You can search the full text of this database with a search field like this.
Type a complete word and then press return.
You'll be presented with a list of hyperlinks to pages containing the word.
The search is not case sensitive, so there's no point in using capitals. The search expects a word made of letters.
Note that you cannot search for word fragments (such as "earching" to match Searching), phrases (such as "Ward Cunningham"), or punctuation.
Using http:fullSearch?search=foo directly invokes this type of search for foo.
These instructions have been updated to reflect the new abbreviated indexing scheme, which is described in FullSearch. -- JasonRohrer
Searching has become slower as the database has grown. There is now a title only search (that does support word fragments) as a faster alternative.
Both versions are available at FindPage.
The following source can be used to place the title search onto a page elsewhere on the Web (outside Wiki):
<!-- wiki -->
<FORM action="" method="get">
<INPUT type="text" name="search" size="30" value="">
<A HREF="">wiki</A>
There's always a search field handy at FindPage.
I'm searching for a quote somewhere on Wiki. All of the words I can remember from the quote appear hundreds of times on Wiki, so searching for a string of them together in sequence is the only way I'm going to be able to find it. But that appears not to be possible, because full text searches appear to now be implemented as keyword searches. Is this page wrong, or has the search function become broken? -- GlennVanderburg
Can't you use Google to search the wiki?
You can add a default string to a search box:
http:wiki?search=foo will search for foo
http:wiki?FindPage&value=foo will preload FindPage with foo
It might be convenient to substitute the results of the search, rather than just having a link to it. That way you can generate "pages" that are dynamic mini-contents type pages.
Now, I can see that this might be a performance problem, but maybe if the search was only done daily, rather than with every request.
No, the above section also makes little sense to me. I think he means a way of listing the results of a title click within the page with that title - which seems fairly redundant. I get the impression he's a newbie.