Here is a variant of the Monty Hall problem.
Suppose I have ten cards, one of which represents a prize of great value. I shuffle them, spread them out face down, and let you choose any two. You take them, but you don't look at them.
I take the remaining eight cards and look at them. One by one, I show you six of them. I want to keep the tension high, so I definitely don't reveal the card of great value. After all, I might not have it.
After revealing those six of the cards, I have two, you have two, and I make you this offer:
- You can choose and keep one, but only one, of my cards, if you surrender both of yours.
Assuming this isn't a trick, and that everything is as I've described - should you accept? Should you trade both your cards for only one of mine?
Answer given on MontyHallVariantSpoiler
See also: InterestingQuestionsForInquiringMinds