... a set of well-meaning, qualified people (WorkshopComprisesAuthors) have gathered with an author to review a work such as a pattern or pattern language.
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A group of diverse people make progress only clumsily unless there is some guidance, and an authority who (even arbitrarily) decides on the format, the duration of phases of the workshop, etc.
Each session should be led by an experienced moderator, who guides (not directs) the discussion.
The moderator is responsible to see that all runs smoothly. Done well, moderation is a background task: the WritersWorkshop tradition alone is usually enough to guide the main flow of the activities.
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The moderator has many tasks and needs many skills. There are many different moderation styles, including ActiveListeningModeration, where the moderator affirms (feeds back) everything that is said. There are more passive styles of moderation.
Some moderators will call on reticent participants to speak; most moderators are more hands-off.
Moderators teach the remaining patterns to the group (by example and light turning) and guide their use, subject to the moderator's style. Depending on the setting, the moderator may be responsible for securing copies of the work for the reviewers. The moderator initially welcomes the author and invites the author to read a selection from the work. The moderator then thanks the author and invites him or her to become a fly on the wall. The moderator invites a volunteer to summarize the pattern. The moderator makes sure that no negative criticism leaks into PositiveFeedbackFirst. The moderator decides when the PositiveFeedback has reached diminishing returns, and segues into SuggestionsForImprovement. The moderator brings that session to a close, and welcomes the author back into the inner circle, encouraging them to ask questions of clarification. The moderator leads the ThankTheAuthor ceremony, and invites a ClearingThePalate speaker.
The moderator may also arrange for a scribe to help the author record major discussion points.
There should be a separate PatternLanguage for WorkshopSessionModeration.
NEXT: SittingInaCircle
-- JimCoplien 1996/8/26