Military Style Pushups

last modified: April 8, 2005

My wife's uncle's back is killing him. This uncle is one macho dude - he owns a ranch and is a full-time lawyer and full-time cowboy. So do you think a guy like this would be receptive to someone who says "hey Clay, your back hurts? - try Yoga, it really works!"

"Yoga," Clay thinks "that's for wusses."

Well, macho uncle Clay happens to have a brother-in-law who happens to be a physical therapist. This guy's really clever. He too knows that Yoga will help but also knows that Clay would never do Yoga. So he shows Clay how to do what he calls Military Style Pushups. And we all laugh because we all know that Clay's just learned the ancient Yoga moves Cobra and DownwardFacingDog.

Ain't name changes wonderful? -- JoshuaKerievsky

Descriptions of the postures are available here:

This is the downward-facing dog:

And this is the cobra:

As for "military style pushups", perhaps the description from the Canadian Air Force's 5BX plan will work:

"Front lying, hands under the shoulders, palms flat on the floor. Straighten arms to lift body with only palms and toes on the floor. Back straight. Chest must touch floor for each completed movement after arms have been fully extended"

At the highest level, you clap your hands after pushing off the floor.
