Mike is a senior technical architect with Vodafone in the UK. He's worked in software engineering since the early 80s, and is one of the architects of the proprietary network elements in Vodafone's network that do pre-paid billing and IntelligentNetworking. These are very large scale, high-availability systems written in C++ using the Objectory method of analysis and design created by IvarJacobson.
Recently he is working on applying some of the lessons learned in software engineering to the network level, driving the implementation of practices that support a more AgileProcess for network development. He has also pioneered a new way of modelling business processes, using object-oriented methods rather than the traditional procedural ones to create more people-oriented process descriptions; i.e. people actually use them!
Interests include: AgileProcesses, ExtremeProgramming, ObjectModelling, SmalltalkLanguage, C++, BusinessProcessReengineering, Physics.