Changes needed to migrate code from VBUnit2 to VbUnitThree described here:
Change startup program from your old vbUnit2 runner to "vbUnit3\bin\RunVBUnit.exe".
The ProgID changed from "VBUnit" to "VBUnit3". Do one of...
- Delete all "VBUnit." prefixes used to reference data types.
- Global Replace of "VBUnit" with "VBUnit3".
Examples of existing usage:
Private Sub IFixture_Setup(Assert As VBUnit.IAssert)
Private Function ISuite_Suite() As VBUnit.ITest
Replace all...
- "AssertEqualsString" with "StringsEqual"
- "AssertEqualsLong" with "LongsEqual"
- "AssertEqualsDouble" with "DoublesEqual"
- "AssertEqualsVariant" with "VariantsEqual"
- "m_Assert.Assert" with "m_Assert.Verify"
- (Good luck trying to do a global replace on "Assert" that does not hit "m_Assert", "Debug.Assert" or "<object>.Assert =" ;-)
In any Visual Basic project group files (*.vbg) that they may be in, eliminate the old vbUnit2 projects (and make your test project the startup project, with settings to run "RunVBUnit.exe" as shown above). Delete from "vbg" files...
- Project=..\..\VBUnitTestRunner\TestRunner.vbp
- Project=..\..\VBUnitFramework\VBUnit.vbp
- ...and your own "Test Runner.vbp" -- which you won't need any more.