Michael Rasmussen

last modified: September 11, 2007

See http://www.patch.com/ for current interests and activities.

Historical Cruft, Circa 2001 (don't trust the links) A new person to Wikis. First encountered them through http://www.personaltelco.net, the home site of the Portland, Oregon wireless network community. Groked the concept and tossed up http://wiki.patch.com, which currently (April 2002) has a bit of discussion on good books people have read recently and issues with domain name registration.

patch.com also hosts a page of wiki engines at http://daemon.patch.com, where I play with the usability of different wiki engines.

Other interests? Astronomy http://www.patch.com/astro/, beer and HomeBrewing, with some writings about the Portland beer environs at http://www.patch.com/writing/.

