Michael Kirby

last modified: October 26, 2002

I'm a software engineer leading a project in a rapidly shrinking fortune 500 company. The experience is quite interesting. We continue to suffer from big company syndrome, yet at the same time, have the focus and need to improve that a small startup might have.

My current focus is on the use of XP techniques to improve our productivity (even as our group shrinks).

Since I'm beginning the process of rolling out PairProgramming and automated unit testing, I though it might be useful to start my very own PairProgrammingCaseStudy on the wiki. Sort of an on-going status of what has worked, what hasn't worked, etc.

A brief overview of our project might be useful.

We currently have about 30 individuals (25 programmers, and a handful of "overheady" type individuals) working on a Java UI module for a large embedded systems project. Overall we have mechanical, electrical embedded C++, etc. It is quite the project, and quite a good experience.

-- Mike

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