Master Of The Machine

last modified: November 6, 2014

A master of the machine is someone who knows not just how to program, but

I'd add

I think that happened after point number four. But these are good.

I'd add

Given all that, it's easier to stick with dabbling in the dark arts of LISP.

Heheh, those are pretty good. Beyond the non-physical abstraction of DigitalLogic, I categorize as ComputerEngineering because the engineers really must design and build their chips towards what the Master-as-User wants and what the TuringMachine will need, otherwise, there's no use for a piece of fancy hardware, by itself (beyond the fetish of amazing hardware engineering, of course).

The master of the machine knows about electrical properties. Maybe not of all the CPU internals. But there are masters of machines which exploit such properties. Examples: There used to be C64 demos which used the IO bus to do pipelined binary arithmetic (because of the electical properties of that bus). And there are current security exploits of bus timings which allowed to jail-break the IPhone (if I remember correctly; something about the gaining access to protected memory by manipulating address bus lines while the CPU believed that it was access some other unprotected area).


See also OneTruePath, GeneralPurposeComputer, MarkJanssen

