Wiki pages about designing and making physical things (usually as compared to programming):
Division of Labor
- FredrickWinslowTaylor established the discipline of IndustrialEngineering.
- Taylor's theories are often called ScientificManagement. These theories focus on breaking work down into discrete tasks, and increasing the efficiency of production.
- IsoNineThousand is sometimes compared to ScientificManagement. See also WikiPagesAboutSayWhatYouDo
- WilliamEdwardsDeming's FourteenPoints and ProfoundKnowledge focus on improving quality and the work environment.
- The ToyotaProductionSystem uses Deming's theories.
- Deming's theories are sometimes compared to ExtremeProgramming.
- SixSigma is a measure of how variation affects quality.
BottleNecks (TheoryOfConstraints)
- EliyahuGoldratt's
- Business novels: TheGoal, ItsNotLuck, CriticalChain, NecessaryButNotSufficient.
- FiveFocusingSteps
- ThinkingProcess
- EliyahuGoldratt's
- EricDrexler thinks that MolecularNanoTechnology will someday make manufacturing exactly like programming: ProgrammableMatter.
- SelfAssembly is popular in science fiction ... but it seems to be getting closer to reality.
RoadMaps, CategoryManufacturing, CategoryRoadMap