Note: Before you read the following, let me make this clear - this page does not mean to imply that all bosses are bad. However, there are bosses who have toxic personalities. You should not have to live with a boss like that - in my humble opinion. Life is just too damn short.
As mentioned in MicromanagingSadist, it's best to get away from the company of these characters. However, if you insist on sticking it out, here's some things to try:
- WorkToRule
- Document everything that happens to you
- Stay calm, always. If you let them get to you, you make them extremely happy
- Never be in a meeting alone with a sadist, never
- CC every piece of email to someone else that's involved in the project
- Be a class act. Always act super cheerful and positive with everyone you work with (when the sadist complains about you, others will think that he/she is nuts - which of course he/she is)
- Update your resume and start sending it out. Do it now - don't put this off because "things might get better next week, next month, next millennium...".
Also see: MicromanagingSadist
I didn't say that good managers are sadists. I'm saying that managers that micromanage programmers are bad managers. You can't be happy with that type of manager. Notice point 6 - be a class act. That's important. I'm not saying don't follow what the boss says (he/she is the boss after all). But note that with MicromanagingSadists, nothing you do will ever, ever be right.
CategoryEmployment; CategoryManagement