The Magx Compiler is another "Universal" AGT-compatible program (see AgtLanguage) written in ANSI C by RobertMasenten, the author of the AGiliTy interpreter (see AgiliTy [sic]). It is universal in the sense that it is capable of compiling any AGT-formatted source code, including AGT Classic and Master's Edition's, as well as JohnMenichelli's v1.83 extension.
Magx ("Make AGX") is a companion program to AGiliTy, and compiles AGT source code in the new .AGX file format, which greatly eliminates directory clutter. (For additional information, consult the Official "AGiliTy" Home Page (see the accompanying AgiliTy [sic] article.)
The Official "Magx" Home Page is at:
You can download the latest release of Magx from the IF Archive:
-- JayGoemmer