Magic Pudding

last modified: June 10, 2002

`My word', said Bill when the Puddin' was brought back. `You have to be as smart as paint to keep this Puddin' in order. He's that artful, lawyers couldn't manage him.'

Puddings are treacherous. `The trouble is,' said Bill `that this is a very secret crafty Puddin', an' if you wasn't up to his games he'd be askin you to look at a spider an' ben run away while your back is turned.'

`That's right,' said the Puddin' gloomily. 'Take a Puddin's character away. Don't mind his feelings,'

'We don't mind your feelin's Albert,' said Bill. `What we minds is your treacherous 'abits [...]

Difficult to find an adequate link for this, the finest children's story ever written.. Try . --Another proud member of the Noble Society Of Puddin' Owners.

But never, ever, ever, ever, let yourself or anyone your love see the terrible, terrible, terrible movie they made out of the puddin'. Almost as shameful as that python gloss on TheWindInTheWillows a few years back.
