Luddite Logic

last modified: February 20, 2004

Luddite Logic is the logic as if you were using the simplest technology that is still capable of realizing the SystemMetaphor. See LudditeOfficeAutomation.

Luddite Logic is also the logic used by those who refuse to change, no matter what facts are presented to them.

I don't think it is that simple. Sometimes one spends years perfecting a given technology, and starting over will probably slow them down. Plus, many new things are simply fads rather than truely superior. See MindOverhaulEconomics.

True, it's a matter of balance. This has been discussed in OldCodeRusts and RefactorLegacyCode. One has to work on the old project, while keeping an eye on new technologies. Development in isolation is often a bad idea - See XanaduProject.
