I came here at MarnixKlooster's suggestion. I think that the concept of patterns could be a good way of defining some of our concepts in the IF community.
My current contributions to the InteractiveFictionPatterns pages:
- Added example pattern about doors to InteractiveFictionPatterns (InteractiveFictionTransporter)
- Wrote InteractiveFictionPuzzleHint (An IF pattern about how to provide hints for games)
- Wrote InteractiveFictionGiveTheGrammar (Another pattern about prompting the player)
- Compiled InteractiveFictionRope and InteractiveFictionRopeTips
- Started InteractiveFictionInformTips
- Compiled InteractiveFictionLinearityVsBreadth
My current contributions to the I-F World in general:
- 'InvisiClues' for 'So Far': http://www.bioc.rice.edu/~lpsmith/IF/sofar.html
- "The Edifice: An Interactive Allegory", my entry for the 1997 InteractiveFictionContest (which came in first! Wheee!). Release 2 is at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/games/infocom/edifice.z5
- "Competition '97", a front-end 'game' that allows people to randomize and rate the 35 games from the '97 IF Competition. You can find it at: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/games/competition97/comp97.z5
(You'll need an interpreter to play the two .z5 games--see the FAQ at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/games/playgame.FAQ section 6.3, Inform)
I can be reached here: mailto:lpsmith@rice.edu