Lord Of The Flies Syndrome

last modified: April 25, 2007

LordOfTheFlies Syndrome is one in which members of a community engage in unconscionable behavior, often not even civilized, if they feel they can be protected by anonymity, or otherwise are free from any (negative) consequences for their actions.

I suppose I have to agree with Psychologists that I may be guilty myself of unclean thoughts, and I am thankful that because I am not good at hiding my tracks, I can look at people straight into their eyes whether I go. It is a pity that lots of gifted and powerful people succumb to TheDevilWithinOneself.

Oops I thought this page was called LordOfTheFiles Would have made an interesting read.

The power of the possibility of a punch in the face in the real world keeps a lot of people in check. This is missing on the web. We need eFist(tm). If you call somebody a "delusional liar" face-to-face, your chances of coming out with a black eye is large enough to make one think twice. However, it happens all the time on the web.

See RemoteStrangulationProtocol

See also OriginOfConsciousness

