This is what is done by tourists and others who take a moment to look at something, and satisfied, leave to go somewhere else - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141105
In National Lampoon's Vacation, Chevy Chase and family visit Grand Canyon. Chevy takes a look (about 2 seconds or so) and then turns around as if to leave. He is pre-occupied and apparently unimpressed by what he sees, as it did not fit into his idea of something upon which to concentrate.
- (language: German)
This is a funny example of what people sometimes do when they encounter things almost to big to understand. They simply make a Superficial examination of the thing, and then dismiss it as unimportant or unlikely to be of benefit, leaving it, refusing to be involved with incorporating it into their world of things.
Many are the visitors to wiki, who come, take a look, and then say something like, "this is a cool thing", and then leave, never to return. They had failed to see, as the founder of WikiPedia was made to see, that wiki is a platform of almost limitless possibilites.
What do you see, and what do you do, when you look at a wiki?