General Literature (part of the Wiki BookList)
Fiction of Interest...
- RemembranceOfThingsPast, by MarcelProust
- ClockworkOrange, by AnthonyBurgess
- LePetitPrince (aka TheLittlePrince), AntoineDeSaintExupery
- OneHundredYearsOfSolitude, by GabrielGarciaMarquez
- TheCultureSeries by IanBanks
- TheTrial by FranzKafka
- MissLonelyhearts by NathanielWest
- TheBeach by AlexGarland
- HiFidelity by NickHornby
- TheCaineMutiny by HermanWouk (a PointyHairedBoss in a setting of almost unendurable stress)
- LordOfTheRings by JrrTolkien
- LesMiserables by VictorHugo (Just skip the boring bits. What boring bits?)
- SnowCrash by NealStephenson
- CryptoNomicon by NealStephenson (an absolute must read!!!)
- The Neon Wilderness by Nelson Algren
- Sneaky People by Thomas Berger
- Valis by Philip K. Dick (PhilDick)
- GravitysRainbow by Thomas Pynchon
- Lolita by VladimirNabokov (NabokovsLolita)
- InfiniteJest by David Foster Wallace
- A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man by James Joyce
- Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
- Ishmael (IshmaelBook) by DanielQuinn
- Everything by Jim Harrison
- Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
- ArchyAndMehitabel, Don Marquis
None of the Above (but recommended)
- TheHistoryOfTheDelineAndFallOfTheRomanEmpire by Edward Gibbon
- TheSacredDepthsOfNature, UrsulaGoodEnough
- ShakerBuilt, PaulRocheleau and JuneSprigg
- Solve Your Child's SleepProblems, RichardFerber
- TheMoralAnimal, RobertWright: an examination of human behavior as it may have been influenced by natural selection
- ZenAndTheArtOfMotorcycleMaintenance by RobertPirsig
- WindSandAndStars, by AntoineDeSaintExupery
- The BraveWildCoast by JudsonCrews Before there was Duke & Gonzo, before there were Beatniks, there was Crews & HenryMiller
- InColdBlood, by TrumanCapote
- HowToWinFriendsAndInfluencePeople by DaleCarnegie
- MythicalManMonth by FredBrooks
For children (and grownups)
- AlicesAdventuresInWonderland
- WinnieThePooh
- TheCatInTheHat
- And the next time your 13-year-old starts whining about how difficult life is, hand her TheDiaryOfAnneFrank.
While there are some good books here, I don't think anyone is going to come to this list to find something to read. Better to recommend something in context, than merely list a bunch of books. As this page is therefore pretty useless, I propose it is a DeletionCandidate. If not, PleaseMoveThisToTheAdjunct.
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