Lisp Me Objects

last modified: July 30, 2004

A simple object system I wrote for LispMe. The unit tests use LispMeUnit. --DonWells

; LispMeObjects unit tests
; uses LispMeUnit
; evaluate (allTests)

(define (allTests)

(define (classTests)
 (defTest "object initialize"
   (assertTrue "object was not created" (getClass 'object)))
 (defTest "create class test"
   (class 'test 'object '(one 1))
   (let ((test (getClass 'test)))
     (assert "test was wrong" equal? '(object (one 1)) test)))
 (defTest "undefined class test"
   (assertFalse "junk should not exist" (getClass 'junk))))

(define (instanceTests)
 (defTest "create instance"
   (assert "super class wrong" equal? '(object) (new 'object)))
 (defTest "create with initial values"
   (assert "instance wrong" equal? 
     '(object (test 3)(test2 2)) 
    (new 'object '(test 3) '(test2 2)))))

(define (setTests)
 (defTest "set new slot"
   (let ((instance (new 'object)))
     (send instance 'set 'test 5)
     (assert "slot had wrong value" = 5 (send instance 'test))
     (assert "object structure wrong" equal? '(object (test 5)) instance)))
 (defTest "set existing slot"
   (let ((instance (new 'object '(test 3))))
     (send instance 'set 'test 5)
     (assert "slot had wrong value" = 5 (send instance 'test))
     (assert "didn't override value" equal? '(object (test 5)) instance))))

(define (superTests)
 (defTest "test super"
   (class 'test1 'object '(test 1))
   (class 'test2 'test1 '(test 2))
   (let ((instance (new 'test2 '(test 3))))
     (assert "instance wrong" = 3 (send instance 'test))
     (assert "super wrong" = 2 (send (send instance 'super) 'test))
     (assert "super super wrong" = 1 (send (send (send instance 'super) 'super) 'test)))))

(define (sendTests)
 (defTest "send to class"
   (class 'test 'object '(one 1))
   (assert "message was wrong" = 1 (send (getClass 'test) 'one)))
 (defTest "send to instance"
   (class 'test 'object '(one 1))
   (assert "message was wrong" = 1 (send (new 'test) 'one)))
 (defTest "send unkown"
   (class 'test 'object '(one 1))
   (assertFalse "message should be unknown" (send (new 'test) 'junk)))
 (defTest "send method"
   (class 'test2 'object 
       ,(lambda (self aNumber) 
         (+ aNumber 2))))
   (assert "method should run" = 5 (send (new 'test2) 'plusTwo 3)))
 (defTest "complex method"
   (class 'test 'object 
       ,(lambda (self aNumber) 
         (send self 'set 'sum (+ (send self 'sum) aNumber)))) 
     '(sum 0))
   (let ((instance (new 'test)))
     (send instance 'sumup 1)
     (send instance 'sumup 2)
     (send instance 'sumup 3)
     (assert "didn't sum correctly" = 6 (send instance 'sum))))
 (defTest "lazy init"
   (class 'test 'object 
     `(c ,(lambda (self)
         (send self 'set 'c 
           (* (send self 'a)(send self 'b)))))
     '(b 3))
   (class 'test2 'test '(a 2))
   (class 'test3 'test '(a 3))
   (let ((instance (new 'test2)))
     (assert "message wrong" = 6 (send instance 'c))
     (assert "test2 was wrong" equal? instance '(test2 (c 6)))
     (assert "second message wrong" = 9 (send (new 'test3) 'c)))))

; LispMeObjects
; written by Don Wells
; Create a new class with (class name super '(slot value)... '(method function)).
; Always use 'object as the super
; class at the very least.
; a function used as a method 
; will take at least one argument 
; self, the object that originally
; received the method.
; Invoke a function by sending the 
; name and arguments to an
; object. (e.g. (send anObject 'add 'sum 10))
; where add is the method and sum and 10
; are arguments)
; Get the value of a slot by sending
; the slot's name.
; (e.g. (send anObject 'sum))
; Set the value of a slot by sending
; the set method defined on object.
; (e.g. (send anObject 'set 'sum 20))
; Always evaluate (clearClasses) before
; doing anything.

; an object is (superName (slotname value)... (methodName closure)...)
; a class is (className . object)

(define *classes* '())

(define (clearClasses)
 (set! *classes* 
   `((object #f 
     (set ,setSlot)
        ,(lambda (self)
           (getClass (car self))))))))

(define (setSlot self aSlotName aValue)
 (let ((slot (assoc aSlotName (cdr self))))
     ((not slot) 
       (set-cdr! self 
           (list aSlotName  aValue) 
           (cdr self))))
       (set-car! (cdr slot) aValue))))

(define (getClass aClass)
 (let ((class (assoc aClass *classes*)))
       ((not class) #f)
       (else (cdr class)))))

(define (class aName aSuperName . aDefinition)
 (set! *classes* 
     (cons aName (cons aSuperName aDefinition))

(define (new aSuperName . args)
 (cons aSuperName args))

(define (send anObject aMessage . args)
 (sendWithSelf anObject anObject aMessage args))

(define (sendWithSelf self anObject aMessage args)
   ((superName (car anObject))
    (slot (assoc aMessage (cdr anObject))))
     (slot (valueOfSlot self slot args))
     ((not superName) #f)
       (let ((superClass (getClass superName)))
           ((not superClass) #f)
             (sendWithSelf self superClass aMessage args))))))))

(define (valueOfSlot self theSlot args)
 (let ((value (cadr theSlot)))
     ((procedure? value)
       (apply value (cons self args)))
     (else value))))

