Here is a categorized list of LispMe Language Elements (primitive procedures, procedures, special forms, globals and constants). The categorization is still a work in progress.
This list should be applicable to most other SchemeLanguage implementations, with a few noteable exceptions. (one of them being "macro", which may, or may not be defined in the scheme of your choice. The other exception being the lack of hygenic macros). If you find a lisp-me or palm specific function/special form in the first section, please mark it (if it is a language specific addition) or move it below (if it is a palm-specific addition).
[EditHint: I am just a beginner, so this list should be viewed as anything but authoritative at this point... -- JonathanArkell]
R4RS Compliant
- Add
- Subtract
- * - Multiply
- / - divide
- divide - divides two integers returning both quotient and remainder.
- exp - computes the natural antilogarithm of a number.
- expt - computes the power of two numbers.
- log - computes the natural logarithm of a number.
- log10 - computes the base 10 logarithm of a number.
- max - returns the largest of some objects.
- min - returns the smallest of some objects.
- modulo - divides two integers and returns the remainder.
- quotient - divides two integers ignoring the remainder.
- random - generates a random integer.
- remainder - divides two integers and returns the remainder.
- sqrt - computes the square root of a number.
- acos - computes the arc cosine of a number.
- acosh - computes the hyperbolic arc cosine of a number.
- asin - computes the arc sine of a number.
- asinh - computes the hyperbolic arc sine of a number.
- atan - computes the arc tangent of its argument(s).
- atanh - computes the hyperbolic arc tangent of a number.
- cos - computes the cosine of a number.
- cosh - computes the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
- sin - computes the sine of a number.
- sinh - computes the hyperbolic sine of a number.
- tan - computes the tangent of a number.
- tanh - computes the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
Rounding and Mangling
- abs - computes the absolute value of a number.
- ceiling - computes the smallest whole number greater than or equal to a number.
- floor - computes the largest whole number less than or equal to a number.
- round - rounds a number to the closest integer.
- truncate - computes the integer component of a number.
Numeric Tests
- complex? - recognizes complex numbers.
- even? - tests, if a number is even.
- exact? - tests if a number is exact.
- inexact? - tests if a number is inexact.
- integer? - recognizes integer numbers.
- negative? - tests, if a number is negative.
- number? - recognizes numbers.
- odd? - tests, if a number is odd.
- positive? - tests, if a number is positive.
- real? - recognizes real numbers.
- zero? - tests if a number is equal to zero.
- exact->inexact - converts an exact number to an inexacts one.
- inexact->exact - converts a (real) number to integer.
- real? - recognizes real numbers.
- inexact->exact - converts a (real) number to integer.
- integer - converts a number to integer.
- integer->char - creates a character from its ASCII code.
- integer? - recognizes integer numbers.
Complex Numbers
- angle - computes angle (or argument) of a complex number.
- complex? - recognizes complex numbers.
- conjugate - computes the conjugate of a complex number.
- imagpart - computes the imaginary part
- magnitude - computes the magnitude
- make-polar - constructs a complex number from a
- make-rectangular - constructs a complex number from the
- realpart - computes the real part.
- < - , <=, >, and >=
- = - tests if a two numbers are equal.
- eq? - recognizes identical objects. (symbols, integers or chars)
- equal? - recognizes objects with the same value. (symbols, numbers, vectors, strings.)
- eqv? - recognizes equivalent objects. (not strings)
- bit-and - bitwise ands its arguments.
- bit-not - bitwise complements its argument.
- bit-or - bitwise ors (inclusive) its arguments.
- bit-shift - bitwise shifts its argument.
- bit-xor - bitwise ors (exclusive) its arguments.
- and - is the nonstrict logical conjunction of expressions.
- boolean? - recognizes #t and #f.
- not - negates a boolean value.
- or - is the nonstrict logical disjunction of expressions.
- #f - is the value <i>false</i>.
- #t - is the canonical value <i>true</i>.
- make-string - creates a new string.
- strarr-length - counts the strings in a string array.
- strarr-ref - returns a string from a string array by index.
- string->list - converts a string to the list of its characters.
- string->object - parses a string as a LispMe object.
- string-append - concatenates strings.
- string-length - counts the characters in a string.
- string-lower - converts a string to lower case.
- string-ref - returns a character in a string by index.
- string-set! - replaces a character in a string.
- string-tokenize - splits a string into a list on separator chars.
- string=? - compares two strings.
- string? - recognizes strings.
- substring - returns s substring of a string.
- object->string - prints an object to a string.
- append - concatenates lists.
- apply - applies a procedure to arguments given as a list.
- assoc - searches key-value lists for key using equal?
- assq - searches key-value lists for key using eq?
- assv - searches key-value lists for key using eqv?
- car - returns the car component of a pair.
- cdr - returns the cdr component of a pair.
- circular? - recognizes circular lists.
- cons - creates a freshly allocated pair.
- length - returns the length of a list.
- list - creates a proper list from its arguments.
- list* - creates a list from its arguments.
- list->string - converts a list of characters to a string.
- list->vector - converts a list to a vector.
- list-ref - returns an element of a list by index.
- list-tail - returns a cons cell of a list by index.
- list? - recognizes proper lists.
- map - applies a procedure to each element of a list.
- member - returns the first subset of a list whos car is equal?
- memq - returns the first subset of a list whos car is eq?
- memv - returns the first subset of a list whos car is eqv?
- null? - recognizes the empty list.
- pair? - recognizes a cons cell.
- position - returns the index (uses equal?)
- posq - returns the index (uses eq?)
- posv - returns the index (uses eqv?)
- assoc - searches key-value lists for val using equal?
- assq - searches key-value lists for val using eq?
- assv - searches key-value lists for val using eqv?
- reverse - reverses a list.
- set-car! - modifies the car component of a pair.
- set-cdr! - modifies the cdr component of a pair.
- '() - is an empty list.
- make-vector - creates a new vector.
- vector - creates a vector from its arguments.
- vector->list - converts a vector to a list.
- vector-length - counts the elements in a vector.
- vector-ref - returns an element of a vector by index.
- vector-set! - modifies an element in a vector.
- vector? - recognizes vectors.
Declaration, Binding and Modification
- define - associates names with values.
- let - binds local variables for expressions.
- let* - binds local variables in sequence for expressions.
- letrec - evaluates expressions in an environment with mutual
- pset! - modifies several variables in parallel.
- set! - modifies a variable.
Flow Control
- begin - sequentially evaluates expressions.
- call/cc - calls a procedure with the current continuation
- case - tests a value against some constant lists and
- cond - sequentially tests conditions and evaluates expressions
- continuation? - recognizes continuations.
- delay - creates a promise.
- do - is a general looping construct.
- disasm - disassembles a closure.
- eval - evaluates an expression
- for-each - applies a procedure to each element of a list.
- force - evaluates a promise.
- if - conditionally evaluates one of two expressions.
- it - contains the result of the last evaluation.
- lambda - creates a procedure.
- procedure? - recognizes procedures.
- promise? - recognizes promises.
- while - executes instructions in a loop.
- wait - waits for a time given.
Date and Time
- current-ticks - returns the current ticks value.
- current-ts - returns the current timestamp.
- date+ - adds a number of days to a date.
- date-day - extracts the day from a date.
- date-diff - computes the difference between two dates.
- date-month - extracts the month from a date.
- date-time - gets the current date and time.
- date-year - extracts the year from a date.
- date? - recognizes dates.
- day-of-week - extracts the day of week from a date.
- make-date - creates a date value.
- make-time - creates a time value.
- make-ts - creates a timestamp.
- time? - recognizes times.
- time-hour - extracts the hour from a time.
- time-hour - extracts the hour from a time.
- ts->date - extracts the date parts from a timestamp.
- ts->number - extracts the second count from a timestamp.
- ts->time - extracts the time parts from a timestamp.
- ts-second - extracts the seconds from a timestamp.
- ts? - recognizes timestamps.
- macro? - recognizes macros.
- quasiquote - builds (almost) constant objects.
- unquote - evaluates an expression in a quasiquote template.
- unquotesplicing - evaluates an expression in a quasiquote template
- ` - quasiquote
- , - unquote
- ,@ - unquote-splicing
- close-input-port - closes an open input port.
- close-output-port - closes an open output port.
- display - prints an object in humanreadable format.
- eof-object? - recognizes the endoffile object.
- newline - starts a new line.
- input-port? - recognizes a port opened for input.
- output-port? - recognizes a port opened for output.
- open-output-file - opens a new memo for output.
- peekchar - returns the next character from an input port.
- port? - recognizes any port.
- read - parses data read from an input port.
- readchar - reads a single character from an input port.
- readline - reads a line of text from an input port.
- text - prints an object as graphic text.
- write - prints an object in machinereadable format.
- quote - returns its unevaluated argument.
- symbol? - recognizes symbols.
- gensym - creates a new unique symbol.
Palm Specific
- batteryinfo - lists information about the current battery status.
- close-net-lib - closes the net library.
- crash - causes a fatal exception.
- error - aborts the evaluation with an error message.
- get-clipboard-text - retrieves the system clipboard.
- get-sys-pref - retrieves a value from the system preferences.
- hotsync-info - lists information about the HotSync status.
- launch - starts another Palm application.
- lookup-host - resolves a symbolic hostname.
- make-str-arr - creates a PalmOS string array.
- none? - recognizes the nonprinting object.
- rom-version - returns the version number of the PalmOS ROM.
- set-clipboard-text - sets the system clipboard.
- set-res-db - sets the name of the resource DB for the user interface.
- set-sys-pref - sets a value in the system preferences.
- sound - plays a (pseudo)musical sound.
- #n - is a value, which does not print.
- *hist* - contains the last expressions evaluated.
- *resdb* - contains the current resource database.
- event - gets an user interface event.
- own-gui - switches eventhandling of LispMe's dialog.
- timeout - is posted when no event has arrived in time.
- waitpen - waits for a pen tap and returns its coordinates.
- ctl-enter - is posted when a control is tapped.
- ctl-repeat - is posted when a repeating button "fires".
- ctl-select - is posted when a control is selected.
- fld-changed - is posted when a field is scrolled by dragselection.
- fld-enter - is posted when a field is tapped.
- frm-close - is posted when a form is closed.
- frm-open - is posted when a form is opened.
- frm-title-enter - is posted when a form title is tapped.
- frm-title-select - is posted when a form title has been selected.
- frm-update - is posted when a form has to be updated.
- key-down - is posted when a graffiti char is entered.
- lst-enter - is posted when a list is tapped.
- lst-select - is posted when a list item has been selected.
- menu - is posted when a menu item has been selected.
- pen-down - is posted when the pen touches the screen.
- pen-move - is posted when the pen is moved on the screen.
- pen-up - is posted when the pen is lifted from the screen.
- pop-select - is posted when an item in a popuplist has been selected.
- scl-exit - is posted when a scrollbar has been released.
- scl-repeat - is posted when a scrollbar is dragged.
Direct to Screen Drawing
- bitmap - draws a bitmap.
- draw - draws a line.
- index->rgb - retrieves the actual RGB values for a palette entry.
- move - moves the graphics cursor.
- rect - draws a filled rectangle.
- rgb->index - finds the nearest palette entry for a color.
- set-palette - modifies a palette entry.
- *gstate* - contains the entire graphics state.
Forms and Dialogs
- frm-alert - displays a PalmOS alert.
- frm-get-focus - gets the UI element having the focus.
- frm-get-prop - gets the form's property list.
- frm-goto - closes the current form and displays a new one.
- frm-help - display a help string.
- frm-popup - displays a new form, but doesn't close the old one.
- frm-return - closes the current form and jumps to its continuation.
- frm-set-focus - sets the focus to a UI element.
- frm-show - shows/hides a UI element.
- message - displays a message box.
- pick-color - displays the system dialog for selecting a color.
- pick-date - displays the system dialog for selecting a date.
- pick-time - displays the system dialog for selecting a time.
- pick-time-range - displays the system dialog for selecting a time range.
UI Elements
- ctl-get-label - returns the label of a UI control.
- ctl-get-val - returns the value of a UI control.
- ctl-hit - simulates tapping a UI control.
- ctl-set-label - sets the label of a UI control.
- ctl-set-val - sets the value of a UI control.
- fld-copy - copies text from a UI field to the clipboard.
- fld-cut - cuts text from a UI field to the clipboard.
- fld-dirty? - returns if a field has been modified.
- fld-get-scroll - returns scroll parameters for a UI field.
- fld-get-text - returns the text of a UI field.
- fld-paste - pastes text from the clipboard into a UI field.
- fld-scroll - scrolls a UI field.
- fld-set-dirty - sets the dirty flag of a UI field.
- fld-set-text - sets the text of a UI field.
- fld-undo - undoes the last change to a UI field.
- lst-get-sel - returns the selected item in a UI list.
- lst-get-text - returns a specified item text of a UI list.
- lst-set-list - fills a UI list with a list of items.
- lst-set-sel - selects an item in a UI list.
- scl-get-val - returns the values of a scrollbar.
- scl-set-val - sets the values of a UI scrollbar.
Buffering (insert buffering functions here)
Palm Date and Time
- set-ticks! - updates a ticks value.
- ticks? - recognizes ticks.
- ticks-per-sec - returns the number of ticks in a second.
- ticks-since - returns the number of ticks elapsed.
Memo Database
- delete-file - deletes a memo.
- dir - returns a list of all memos in the MemoPad database.
- open-append-file - opens an existing memo for appending output.
- open-input-file - opens an existing memo for input.
Arbitrary Pilot Database
- dbref? - recognizes databases.
- delete-record - deletes a record in an arbitrary Pilot DB.
- dm-archive-rec - marks a record as archived in an open database.
- dm-close-db - closes an open Pilot database.
- dm-create-db - creates a new Pilot database.
- dm-db-info - retrieves general database information.
- dm-db-list - lists all databases of a specified type and creator.
- dm-db-size - retrieves database size information.
- dm-delete-db - deletes an arbitrary Pilot database.
- dm-delete-rec - marks a record as deleted in an open database.
- dm-get-rec-attr - gets the attributes of a database record.
- dm-insert-rec - inserts a new record into an open database.
- dm-insert-rsrc - inserts a new resource into an open database.
- dm-num-recs - counts the records in a database.
- dm-open-db - opens an arbitrary Pilot database.
- dm-read-rec - reads a record from an arbitrary database.
- dm-read-rsrc - reads a resource from any open resource database.
- dm-remove-rec - (physically) removes a record from an open database.
- dm-remove-rsrc - removes a resource from an open database.
- dm-rsrcdb? - distinguishes record from resource databases.
- dm-set-rec-attr - sets the attributes of a database record.
- dm-update-rec - updates an existing record in an open database.
- dm-update-rsrc - updates an existing resource in an open database.
- read-record - reads a record from an arbitrary Pilot DB.
- read-resource - reads a resource from any open resource DB.
- write-record - writes a record to an arbitrary Pilot DB.
- close-serial - closes an open serial port.
- new-serial? - tests, if the New Serial Manager is available.
- ope-nserial - opens a serial port.
- serial-get-cts - gets the CTS timeout for a serial device.
- serial-get-timeout - gets the receive timeout for a serial device.
- serial-info - returns information for a serial device.
- serial-input - returns the input port to read from a serial device.
- serial-number - returns the serial number of the Palm device.
- serial-output - returns the output port to write to a serial device.
- serial-receive-flush - flushes the receive buffer of a serial device.
- serial-send-flush - flushes the send buffer of a serial device.
- serial-set-break! - controls the break signal on a serial device.
- serial-set-cts! - sets the CTS timeout for a serial device.
- serial-set-irda! - enables/disables IrDA connection for a serial device.
- serial-set-rx! - enables/disables the IrDA receiver for a serial device.
- serial-set-timeout! - sets the receive timeout for a serial device.
- serial-status - returns the status of a serial device.
- serial? - recognizes serial ports.
- make-client-socket - creates a client socket.
- socket-down? - returns if a socket has been shut down.
- socket-host-address - returns the host address of a socket.
- socket-host-name - returns the hostname of a socket.
- socket-input - returns the input port to read from a socket.
- socket-local-address - returns the local address of a socket.
- socket-output - returns the output port to write to a socket.
- socket-port-number - returns the port number of a socket.
- socket-shutdown - shuts down a socket.
- socket? - recognizes sockets.
- *net-timeout* - contains the timeout for socket operations.
- hb-add-record - adds a new record to a HanDBase record
- hb-dir - retrieves a list of all
- hb-info - retrieves information of a particular
- hb-getfield - reads the value of a field in a specific record
- hb-getlinks - gets all records linked to by a specific record
- hb-setfield - updates a value of a field in a specific record
- hb-version - retrieves the version number of
- vfs-close - closes an open file.
- vfs-createdir - creates a new directory.
- vfs-delete - deletes a file or directory.
- vfs-dir - reads the directory of a VFS volume.
- vfs-eof? - gets the endoffile status of an open file.
- vfs-get-attr - reads the attributes of an open file.
- vfs-get-ts - reads the timestamps of an open file.
- vfs-open - opens a (raw) file or directory.
- vfs-open-input - opens a file for input.
- vfs-open-output - opens a file for output.
- vfs-read - reads from an open file.
- vfs-ref? - recognizes file references.
- vfs-rename - renames a file or directory.
- vfs-seek - repositions the file pointer.
- vfs-set-attr - sets the attributes of an open file.
- vfs-set-ts - sets the timestamps of an open file.
- vfs-size - gets the size of an open file.
- vfs-supported? - indicates, if VFS is supported.
- vfs-tell - tells the position in an open file.
- vfs-vol-get-label - returns the label of a VFS volume.
- vfs-vol-info - retrieves general information of a VFS volume.
- vfs-vol-set-label - sets the label of a VFS volume.
- vfs-vol-size - returns the size of a VFS volume.
- vfs-volumes - returns a list of all VFS volumes.
- vfs-write - writes data to an open file.
LispMe IO Extensions
- get-output-string - retrieves the contents of a string output port.
- input - parses data entered in a dialog box as a LispMe object.
- input-string - reads a string entered in a dialog box.
- open-input-list - opens a string list for input.
- open-input-string - opens a string for input.
- open-output-string - creates a string output port.
- *out-field* - is the output port for the output field.
CategoryScheme CategoryHandheld