It is quite common to have Limited Resources. This leads to LogisticDelay and forces at least some SerialSequencing. The AbsoluteBestPlan within the context of a set of WellFormedWorkPackages is one which has no resource limitations. Invariably, such limitations exist, especially in small organizations. It is analogous to having a football team without all the positions filled or having to play both ways with the same talent. You end up "overloading" (in several senses of the word) the talent that you have and either working overtime or waiting to complete a task to free the resource (in queuing theory this is called blocking) and hence results in tasks taking longer than otherwise necessary.
There is no known complete solution to this problem except MoreResources. But you can reduce the problem by carefully analyzing the plan and doing network reorganization within the bounds of LogicalNecessity so that resources are maximally available. This goes beyond ResourceLeveling, which is simply a rearrangement of slack time. All of these things are part of GoodPlanning. -- RaySchneider
See also: DecisionMathAndYagni, AllRoadsLeadToBeeMinus