Used by the Library Of Congress (Washington DC, USA) is an alpha-numeric code with the principal categories represented by a 2 letter code.
A General Works
- AE Encyclopedias
- AI Indexes
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
- B-BD Philosophy
- BF Psychology
- BL-BX Mythology, Religion
C Auxiliary Sciences to History
- CB History of Civilisation
- CC Archaeology
- CS Genealogy
- CT Biography
D History (outside of North America)
- D Ancient and World History
- DA England (Great Britian)
- DC France
- DD Germany
- DS Asia
- DT Africa
E-F History: North America
- E 1-143 America (general)
- E 151-857 United States (general)
- F 1-957 U.S. ( states and local)
- F 1001-1140 Canada
- F 1209-1226 Mexico
G Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation
- GN Anthropology
- GR Folklore
- GT Manners and Customs
- GV Recreation (sports)
H Social Sciences
- HA Statistics
- HB-HD Economics
- HE Transportation
- HF Commerce
- HG Finance
- HM Sociology
- HQ Family Life
- HV Social Pathology
J Political Science
- JA-JC Political Theory
- JF Constitutional History
- JK United States Politics and Government
- JX International Policies
K Law
L Education
- LA History of Education
- LB Teaching Methods
- LC Forms of Education
M Music
- M Music Scores
- ML Literature of Music
- MT Music Instruction
N Fine Arts
- NA Architecture
- NC Grapic Arts
- ND Painting
- NK Decorative Art
P Philology and Linguistics. Languages and Literature.
- PA Classical Literature
- PC Romance Languages
- PE English Languages, Writing Guides
- PN General and Comparative Literature
- PQ Romance Literature
- PR English Literature
- PS American Literature
- PZ Juvenile Literature
Q Science
R Medicine
S Agriculture
T Technology (Oddly enough, computers are in QA. If only there were more QA in computers ...)
U-V Military Science, Naval Science
Z Bibliography and Library Science
New letters are needed in our alphabet!
Actually not. It is controlled by divisions within the divisions, a numbering system and cutter number created with infomation from the author's name. Not perfect but better than it could be. TK has most of the web stuff.
Is the scheme protected by intellectual property laws (copyrights etc.)?
No; as a project of the US government it is required to be PublicDomain
I simply DateStamp and then AlphabetizeEverything --AnonymousDonor
Categories be damned, eh?