Employed as a researcher at the University of Oxford Software Engineering Centre.
I'm feeling I'm no longer a WikiNewbie, but progressing. Sometimes I have a feeling the Wiki is not TheyWayWikiWas in the sense the community is too large. Other times I should perhaps try to start my own communities.
I'm trying to get something going at http://www.appropriatesoftwarefoundation.org
Take care, and if you wana waste time:
Lee, since you last visited Wiki, the situation is changed. BalancingReadersWritersAndEditors has become static, the wiki has become a OnePileFilingSystem in that everytime someone adds a page or two, someone else deletes a page or two. The wiki has in essence become static as far as growth is concerned, and the number of new pages added has decreased from over 10 a day to about one or less a day. It has hovered at just above 32000 pages for some time now. -- DonaldNoyes 20071005