We talk about the ideals we want to see in teams that have good leadership. Well, what are those ideals? -- BobbyWoolf, 08/26/00
- GoodLeadersCanAdmitMistakes
- GoodLeadersWalkCarefully
- CovenantalRelationships -- Employers and employees must agree on how they want the team to work, otherwise the employees find new employers
- EmPowerment/GetOutOfTheWay -- get the right people, make them happy, turn them loose
- InventoryGoesHomeAtNight -- Company's value is in its employees, not its assets
- HumanInteractions -- people must work well together
- AssignProblemsNotTasks -- Avoid micromanaging
- PraiseBasedLeadership -- Encourage "good behavior"
- AcceptedResponsibility -- Let people choose what they work on
- CoachingLeadership -- Guide the team, don't play the game for them