Lars Heyerdahl

last modified: May 25, 2008



Any relation to ThorHeyerdahl? --PCP

Not exactly close, but Thor is my late father's second or third cousin, I believe, and last I heard he is alive and well, living on LaGomera in the CanaryIslands, this island being more or less owned by a Norwegian industrialist. Am an avid reader of ThorsBooks, myself.

There's a scene near the end of KonTiki where one of Thor's crew wakes up in the early morning, steps out of the little cabin, stretches, and a flying fish bounces off his belly. Amazing stuff.

Yes. He sure has lived an interesting life! Imagine, back then, pre KonTiki this young couple taking off to live on some "primitive" remote unknown island in the Pacific. Think he was referred to, by a few, as more than a little odd, even a "black sheep" back then.

While he (my understanding) is not against exploration of space, he claims that the real adventures and explorations and excitement are right here on this planet, now, underneath the desert sands, the jungles and the ocean floors. Imagine.

added: 12/20-00

Btw: Thanks, PCP ( PhilipCraigPlumlee ) for engaging me in an interesting lesson here!LSH

added April 26, 2002:

Well, his illness caught up with him rather rapidly, this month, and funeral services took place today, in Oslo. His ashes will be buried at the family home, in NorthernItaly. May he rest in peace, this dreamer, explorer, historian and futurist, scientist, contrarian and humanist, this rather distant relative of mine. According to his son, he died with a smile, grateful for an extraordinary life, long and rich in experience. May we all go this way. (imo)

Now, RefactorMe is interesting too.

As I'm exploring this WIKI thaing,, have "moved" over to pywiki, at least for now, to

There is a certain magic on this WIKI, "Ward's Wiki". A WIKI for extreme programmers. The StoneSociety. Etc.

But as the wiki-concept proliferates, and commercial wikis pop up everywhere, what good is it for "other people?" For instance small businesses? Non-Profits? Connected (local) neighborhoods? Distance learning?

Is WIKI a collective idealistic dream, searching for a challenge?

Hey.. it's Lars! --LO

Oh - man - once upon a time, i was the only lars on "my" web - now the larses are everywhere!! Nice page, LO - lemme see if can get back to my promise to add a comment to the page: - that self made months ago. ---

