I'm 35 years old and live in Watertown, MA.
I work developing video games in C++ for Helixe, a studio owned by THQ. (http://helixe.com/)
I used to:
- develop community-based websites doing html, cfml, and java for TERC (http://terc.edu/).
- teach classes at Bridge Education near Portland, Maine. (http://www.bridgeeducation.org/)
- work as a freelance contractor doing design and programming in HTML, Javascript, Java, Flash and Director.
- work for the Museum of Science in Boston (http://www.mos.org/) doing web pages, graphics, and programming.
I'm originally from Jacksonville, FL.
My interests include music - mainly guitar and bass - and recording it. Also I like programming - mainly real-time software like games.
My old web page is at http://www.goatfish.com. My newer but still out of date web page is http://sparkcast.com.