Kristyne Mc Daniel

last modified: September 28, 2007

Kristyne McDaniel is a consulting software developer based in Southern California, at the ShamrockTrailsRanch near Murrieta, CA. She is the managing member of McStylesSoftware LLC. In her previous life, she was a mechanical engineer (BME, U of Minn 1984) who worked on advanced spacecraft and missile systems for a defense contractor. Her past employers include FMC Corporation, General Dynamics, SAIC, and EDS. She has a long client list that includes large companies such as Countrywide Home Loans and the San Diege District Attorney's Office, as well as a number of medium sized and even some very small companies.

Kristyne has worked with FoxPro and VisualFoxPro for Windows and Macintosh since 1992, and with C/C++/C# since 1988. She is a MicrosoftCertifiedProfessional (desktop & distributed) and a former MostValuableProfessional (1996/1997). She is currently the webmaster for the following sites:,,,,,

Contact Kristyne at

Did you know Roger Wiethoff at FMC? He retired at the end of 1984, IIRC. Did you know Debbie Schnur at the U? Rose Clemens? Eric Donaldson? Mitch Voehl? -- ElizabethWiethoff
