Kristian Elof Soerensen

last modified: September 29, 2014

I am at work building my own little software product company, that will provide a solution to a problem that I have heard a not insignificant number of companies complain about suffering from.

TimeToChange is pretty close to one of my reasons for starting this company.

With a group of business acquainties, quite a few of whom later turned into friends, I organized a patterns study group in Copenhagen. It all became a reality thanks to LindaRising, who lived here for a year. Later on LindaRising got the good idea of having a nordic PLoP conference and wanted me and PavelHruby to chair it. It is called VikingPlop. We had a great time in September 2002 with around thirty participants and nineteen papers to workshop in writers workshops. The printed proceedings will be available in book form real soon. A 2003 event is in the works.

Also I can often be seen at Kloster Irsee around EuroPlop time.

