Titles of articles in PeerReviewed Journals expose Expertise Authors & Expertise Jargon DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20131129
Article titles of most-read recent articles in the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
- MultiGranularity KnowledgeMining on the Web - MingXie - Vol. 22, No. 01, pp. 1-16
- ViewPoints - A framework for integrating multiple perspective in SystemDevelopment - AFinkelstein, JKramer, Bnuseibeh LFinkesteing, MGoedicke - Vol. 02, No. 01, pp. 31-57
- ViabilityManagement for SoftwareProductLineArchitecture YoungGabKim, SeokKeeLee, SungBongJang - Vol. 21, No. 07, pp. 931-956
- OrganizationalRules as an Abstraction for the Analysis and Design of MultiAgentSystemss - FrancoZambonelli, NicholasR Jenneings, MicaelWooldridge - vol. 11, No. 03, pp. 303-328
- AutomaticTestDataGeneration for ProgramPaths using GeneticAlgorithims - Paulo MarcosSiqueiraBueno, MarioJino - Vol. 12, No. 06, pp. 691-709
- The DsawAspectOrientedSoftware DevelopmentPlatform - FranciscoOrtin, LuisVinuesa, JoseMFelix - vol. 21, No. 07, pp. 891-929
- Modeling, Deploying and Controlling VolitileFunctionalities in WebApplications - MatiasUrbieta, GustavoRossi, DmianoDistante, JeronimoGinzburg - vol. 22, No. 01, pp. 129-155
- Enhancing OwlOntologies with RelationSemantics - CartikRKothari, DavidJRussomanno - Vol. 18, No. 03, pp. 327-356
- A VersionManagementFramework for RdfTripleStories - DongHyukIm, SangWonLee, HyoungJooKim - Vol. 22, No. 01, pp. 85-106
- A PhpBasedArchitecture for SemanticWeb ServiceDiscovery - GiuseppeDiModica, OrazioTomarchio, LorenzoVita - Vol. 21, No. 07, pp. 1013-1035
- DoubleState based BusinessProcess DescriptionModel and its OperationalSemantics - YunxianZheng, TianxiangZheng, YanfenZhang, HaiWan - Vol. 22, No. 06, pp. 801-837
- BpNeural NetworkBased effective FaultLocalization - WEricWong, YuQi - Vol. 19, No. 04, pp. 573-597
- Managing ConcernKnowledge in SoftwareSystems - ImedHammouda, KaiKoskimies, MommiMikkonen - Vol. 21, No. 07, pp. 957-987
- A novel approach for SemanticInteroperability in the WebBased, SemanticTriangeCommunicationModel - AngeloChianese, AnnaRitaFasolino, VincenzoMoscato, PorfirioTramontana, MarioCaropreso - Vol. 21, No. 07, pp. 1037-1073
- An Empirical Study of SoftwareMetrics for Assessing the Phases of an AgileProject GiulioConcas, MichaleMarchesi, GiuseppeDestefanis, RobertoTonelli - Vol. 22, No. 04, pp. 525-548
- Detecting EmergentBehavior in DistributedSystems using ScenarioBased Specifications - MohammadMoshirpour, AbdolmajidMousavi, BehrouzHFar - Vol. 22, No. 06, pp. 729-746
- Towards a HybridApproach for Adapting WebGraphicalUserInterfaces to HeterogeneousDeivices using Context -CarlosECirilo, AntonioFPrado, WnderleyLSouza, LucianaAMZaina, JoseFRodriguesJr - Vol. 22, No. 06, pp. 769-800
- A study investigating challenges in the Interface between ProductDevelopment and Manufacturing in the development of SoftwareIntensive AutomotiveSystems - JPernstal, AMagazinius, TGorschek - Vol. 22, No. 07, pp. 965-1004
- Component SecurityTestingApproach base on ExtendedChemicalAbstractMachine - JinfuChen, YanshengLu, HuahuanWang - Vol. 22, No. 01, pp. 59-83