Keep It Civil Stupid

last modified: May 5, 2004


Use civil language and maintain a civil tone. Don't write in email what you wouldn't say face-to-face in front of your own mother ;-)

This, of course, works until you find an ass willing to say -- unabashed -- the most uncivil things in any company. You know, "ChronicallyRight" and "must have the last word" and "brutally frank" and "for your own good" sorts of asses. (Some people would say these things face-to-face to their own mother.)

From their viewpoint, civility is the refuge of the hopelessly stupid, so why bother? I have a participant (on an e-List that I manage) who is a shining (blinding?) example of this.

The admonition to be civil only works with those already inclined to be civil. For those outside this set, a TwoByFour adjustment tool may be required.

-- GarryHamilton

I find that TwoByFours don't travel very well through cyberspace.
