Jvcl Structure

last modified: November 9, 2003

This is a possible structure for JediVcl 3.0, and was proposed by Peter Thornqvist:

Just to get you all started thinking about this and come up with your own suggestions, here's some of mine:

Packages (one each for D5-D7,BCB5-BCB6):

JvCore - RT package with utility units and core classes (JvFunctions, JvComponent et al)

JvStdCtrls - enhancements to standard components (labels, edits, listboxes, menus), RT + DT

JvWin32 - enhancements to common controls (listview, treeview), RT + DT

JvNet - internet related, RT + DT

JvDB - DB related, non-visual (JvMemoryData), RT + DT

JvDbCtrls - DB related, visual (JvDBDatePicker), RT + DT

JvBDE - BDE related (JvQuery), RT + DT

JvDialogs - dialogs (standard and win special), RT + DT

JvSystem - system related (JvAppDDECmd, JvTimerList, JvCreateProcess), RT + DT

JvControls - visual controls not fitting for JvStdCtrls or JvWin32(JvFontComboBox, JvColorComboBox), RT + DT

JvComponents - non-visual controls not fitting in the other packages(JvMRUList, JvScreenSaver), RT + DT

JvCustomCtrls - original custom controls, not extending an existing control(JvLinkLabel, JvInspector, JvTimeLine, JvLookout), RT + DT

JvMMedia - multimedia components (JvStarField, JvId3v1), RT + DT

JvUtils - stuff seldom used (JvPatchFile, JvEasterEgg), RT + DT

JvCrypt - encryption and compression (JvVignere, JvCabFile), RT + DT

JvBeginner - components that are simple wrappers for API calls and/or with little actual code (JvSelectDirectory, JvDirectories, JvSystemColors), RT + DT

A suggestion from me (with Roberts comments) about what components to merge and what to keep can be found here: http://cvs.jvcl.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jvcl/jvcl/restructure_proposal.txt

Additionally, I propose that the different edits (integeredit, yearedit etc) should be merged into one (preferably the standard JvEdit with additional properties for setting the accepted format), the different labels should be merged into one (preferably the standard JvLabel) except for JvLinkLabel which is too special to be merged (I love that component!), the different grids should be merged into one, the different buttons should be merged into a selected few (JvBitBtn, JvSpeedButton). We could probably also remove some of the listboxes, buttons, dialogs and grids.

Please add your comments below.

UPDATE 2003-06-05: There has been some changes since this proposal was published. Below is an extract of what's been merged (taken from the changelog). Note that there are other things that have been fixed and updated as well, but I think this is pretty much all that has structurally changed:






2003-03-24 - Merged JvMultilineListBox, JvReorderListBox, JvTextListBox, JvBMPListBox into JvListBox, updated examples, moved JvBmpListBox.pas, JvReorderListBox.pas and JvMultiLineListbox.pas to \archive // peter3

